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Lucky2BHere work in partnership with the Save A Life For Scotland [SALFS] in promoting the importance of Emergency Life Support training.  

SALFS was formed from Scotland’s 2015 Strategy for Out Of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA), which aims to double survival rates across the country within five years.

SALFS support events across Scotland to encourage everyone to learn the skills of CPR.

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland [CHSS] is Scotland's health charity supporting people and their families with chest, heart and stroke conditions. They work to make sure life living with a heart condition is a life lived to the full. The CHSS Strategy 'No Life Half Lived' aims to address the unmet needs – social, emotional and physical – of people and their families who are living with effects of their conditions.

CHSS host Life After Cardiac Arrest a valuable resource that shares the stories of people, from Scotland, who have personal experience of an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). It includes video and audio interviews with those who have survived an OHCA, members of their families and those who have suffered a close family bereavement due to an OHCA.