Saving Lives
Every Day

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Lucky2BHere Privacy Statement

L2BH does not participate in direct marketing activities. All fundraising for the charity is instigated from within local communities or from unprompted individual voluntary donations/fundraising activities. L2BH does not actively share identifiable data with any other organisation.


Data held by the organisation

The identifiable personal data currently held by L2BH is as follows:

  • Contact details for the L2BH Patrons and Trustees
  • Contact details for Lucky2BHere Volunteer Trainers
  • Contact details for community lead(s) for each device placement 
  • Contact details for those donating via Just Giving  / Facebook / Virgin Giving 
  • Names of those attending Training Sessions to issue Certificates 
  • Contact details of two individuals for each device that we place in a community
    • name
    • telephone number(s)
    • email address


Use of personal data

Personal data will never be used for any purpose other than to: provide training sessions/certificates, acknowledge donations or communication concerning the placement or maintenance of a community device. 


Obtaining Consent

When a member of a community volunteers to be a contact point for a device, we will publish their details on our Live AED Map and hold their data on our internal database.  This data is held while the device remains active and an individual can ask for their data to be withdrawn at any time.



Updates of community contacts are sought periodically during communication regarding the replacement of pads and batteries e.g. a minimum of every two years.  Data held on Volunteer Trainers and Patrons/Trustees will be updated on their request.


Corrections to / removal of data

An individual can ask for their data to be corrected or deleted at any time and this will be actioned as soon as is practicable.  An individual can contact L2BH by phone, letter or email to request removal of their data.  Contact Us


L2BH Website / Database 

The L2BH website and database are supplied and maintained by Sitekit and Hugh Campbell Marketing.


Contact details


Tel: 01478 611522

Address: Bank of Scotland Building, Somerled Square, Portree, Isle of Skye, IV51 9EH